
The Snapshots feature allows you to keep track of how your project schedule has changed over time.
You can compare snapshots to the current project status or to each other.
The feature also allows you to search for changes across all projects to easily identify changes.


What all the images contain
What you won’t find in the images
Types of images
Who can create snapshots
Approving snapshots
Comparing snapshots
Filtering changes across projects

When planning projects, changes in the plan often occur. Sometimes the changes are based on client requirements, changes in subcontracts, sometimes the project manager tries to solve the project planning errors, for example by adjusting the budget or schedule. These changes may adversely affect the outcome of the project. To keep track of these changes, there is a Snapshots feature in Navig.

With this feature, you can see what plan you started with, what changes you’ve made along the way, and what plan you’re finishing with. Images cannot be deleted, so there is no need to archive or print them, they cannot be manipulated in any way. However, if you still need to print the image, the system allows you to do so.

What all the images contain

Each slide contains the complete project plan, including all its details. So you will find subcontracts, planned revenue, allocations, orders, WBS elements, work type plan and milestones. If the project has a subproject, a snapshot of that subproject is created as part of the snapshot.

Snapshots are always created from all project information, regardless of what rights the person creating the snapshot has to the project. However, when displayed, this person will only see the information that he or she has permission to view on the project. So, for example, if he has a limited ability to see the profit of the project, he won’t see it on the slide.

What you won’t find in the images

The images do not contain the reality of the project, so you will not find in them statements of work, invoices, cash register balance and more. For these items, a history is recorded and is therefore easily traceable even without a snapshot.

Types of images

Automatic images

Automatic snapshots for open projects are created once a week on Sundays and the first day of the month, and also at project closure. In this case, the system automatically creates two images each time – the first immediately before the closing and the second immediately after.

This item must be checked to display automatic images, otherwise the images will not be displayed in the listing. This is to avoid mistakes and to prevent you from comparing your snapshot or the current state of the project with an automatically created snapshot that you didn’t realize was created by the system.

Manually created images

These are images that you can create at any time to suit your needs. That is, whenever you want to preserve the state of the plan during an important change or breakpoint.

Attention – if you create a project plan, the first snapshot will be taken only on the 1st. day of the following month. If you want to have a snapshot when you have the project completely planned, you need to create it manually.

Indirect images

Indirect snapshots are created when a snapshot is created on the parent project, and this automatically creates snapshots of all child projects.

Who can create images?

Images can be created by anyone who has the right to modify the project. A person who only has the right to view the project cannot create the image.

Approval of images

For every image, except indirect ones, you can order a customized approval template. This is an advanced configuration that requires separate IT work. The creation of this template follows the rules for additional solutions. If you are interested in this advanced configuration, please contact our support team who will inform you where and how you can order this template.

Comparing images

You can compare the images with each other. You can compare a specific snapshot with the current state of the project, or compare snapshots already created with each other. You can also compare approved images with unapproved ones, etc. Comparison of specific images can always be done within a single project.

Filtering changes across projects

The project list allows you to find the projects whose plan changes you are interested in by using the images. You can see the specific changes in the individual images. You can search for projects where there have been changes in, for example, planned amounts, deadlines and basic project information, etc. For example, you may discover that your total project costs are off by CZK 10,000. With the snapshots, you can filter all projects where there has been a change in subcontracting of more than CZK 10,000 compared to the approved snapshot.

Because you may need to double-check when tracking changes, you can save a specific filter. You can save it just for you, or for other users. We recommend naming each template carefully so that other users can immediately understand what changes they are looking for.