Navigo3 at RRA

Jaroslav Kuboš Case studies

The client’s requirement was a quick and smooth introduction of Navigo into normal operation. Employees appreciate Navigo’s intuitive and graphical workflow.

Navigo3 project-based ERP – Consulting companies

Problems solved

  1. lengthy reporting of work done on projects
  2. limited number of tribal employees – the need to strategically and evenly utilize primarily tribal employees, then outsourced employees
  3. inability to create clear reports
  4. often only a feeling division of tasks
  5. the responsibility for the contract lies solely with the agency management

What the deployment of Navigo3 has brought

  1. Significant speeding up and simplification of labour statements
  2. clear and transparent allocation of work to individual employees
  3. everyone in the agency knows what to work on and for how long
  4. Increased efficiency of work and therefore costs on contracts
  5. customized reports
  6. overview of key agendas

The course of Navigo3 deployment in RRA PK

The client’s requirement was a quick and smooth introduction of Navigo into normal operation. Employees appreciate Navigo’s intuitive and graphical workflow. They quickly got used to the new system and soon perceived its benefits for both the agency management and themselves.

About RRA

More than 100 registered and managed contracts in Navigo every year. The agency is engaged in the preparation, implementation and management of projects from the public, business, commercial and non-profit sectors

Date of incorporation: 1999
Number of employees: 20
Annual turnover: approx. 25 million CZK

Navigo has solved a key agenda that is necessary for the smooth execution of contracts and therefore the functioning of the entire agency. The ambiguity in scheduling jobs for individual employees has been significantly reduced and the responsibility for successfully meeting deadlines for individual jobs has naturally shifted to individual team members.

Now everyone knows what to expect and when, and can plan their time better. We have a perfect overview of how much the employee has worked and on what. The possibility of tailor-made reports for our clients, the overview of individual orders, partial reports for each order, all this is very much appreciated by us and our clients and members.

Klára Štefančová, director of the agency

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