Connecting company systems with Navigo – integration

Navigo technically allows you to connect with other systems used in your company so that information flows between them.

There are also special types of integrations that work with data from Navigo and return it to Navigo in certain outputs. This includes, for example, a summary evaluation of a subcontractor or the generation of a custom project number.

Primarily to connect your business systems, we offer an API that you can use. Help with the correct use of the API falls under Customer Configurations and details can be found in Annex no. 3 Conditions 2.

Navigo Solutions is primarily a product company that focuses on the development of Navigo3. Systems integration is handled by specialized systems integrators, so we recommend that you prefer their services.

If you still decide to use our services, it is good to know that we follow the “halfway rule”. This means that we will not connect to your services or access your corporate infrastructure. It will therefore be necessary for you to deliver your data to us in the required quality and we will then process it.

Do I need integration?

Use the integration if you have a large amount of information and it would be time-consuming or costly to manually transcribe it into Navigo. You pay for the creation, maintenance, operation, support and bug fixes, so you need to consider very carefully whether it will actually bring you savings. It is also important to take into account that the operation and maintenance of the integration may require cooperation on your side and thus strain your work capacity.

So, although automatic data transfer may seem very efficient, it may not be suitable for everyone. This may be due to the high variability of company processes, the need for transcription control, economic reasons and the risk of complexity of the company infrastructure. If we believe that integration is not suitable for you, we will tell you.

We highly recommend that customers first start using Navigo itself and try out its functionality, often only on the basis of this can they make a relevant decision on whether the interconnection of systems is suitable for them and will actually bring more efficient work.

What does integration consist of?

Integration can simply be thought of as building a bridge between two programs so that information can flow over it in one or both directions. Building such a bridge involves creating software that links the two programs. Since there are many systems used in companies and each has different technical parameters, their connection with Navigo requires different technical solutions. For example, they connect via API, database, file system or other technical means.

Which systems can Navigo be connected to?

Navigo can be connected to virtually any system – for example, accounting software, ERP, CRM, attendance system, etc. These interconnections can vary in complexity depending on your requirements, but also on the capabilities of specific systems.

Since Navigo has some features built into it that other systems have, such as attendance, invoicing, CRM, etc., it will be up to your discretion whether you use third-party systems and have them connected via integration to Navigo or use the features directly in Navigo.

How automated is the interconnection of systems?

Your systems can be connected to Navigo in several different ways. This connection will then run either fully automatically, semi-automatically, or by manual import/export as you know it from other programs.

Which type of integration you choose depends on the technical capabilities of your systems (for example, the so-called box accounting may not have the option of automatic connection and only allows manual import/export), and also on how much control you want to have over the process of transferring information (for example, you may want to approve the transfer of invoices from accounting to Navigo individually, which requires manual import, etc.).

How long will the whole process take?

Depending on the scale of the integration, it takes between one month and six months to set up.

What will we need from you?

We need you to transmit the data by the agreed technical means. You will also have to address the correction of deficiencies and errors on your side (“on your side”) at any time during the operation of the integration.

How to create and run the integration

Please refer to Terms and Conditions 2 for details. Here we will only mention specific information that relates to integration beyond the usual process.

Step 1 – Basic Consultation

First, our consultant will discuss the plan with you in general terms. We will evaluate your ideas, technical possibilities of your systems, price requirements and time budget. We will help you evaluate whether the solution is suitable and worthwhile for you.

Step 2 – Analysis

During the analysis we will find out from you which systems you want to connect with Navigo, what information, in what format, in what direction and in what way it will be transferred. We will also be interested in the level of automation and how error conditions will be handled. We will require the documentation needed to understand the formats of the data being transferred. At this stage, collaboration with your IT or a third party will be tested, which will indicate whether the future implementation will work.

Step 3 – Implementation and launch of the integration

First, we create integration scripts or a program and test this program step by step. Then you can test how the integration works (usually in a test environment). If serious errors occur while the system is in operation, it can be difficult, and in some cases impossible, to correct. Therefore, make every effort to check.

However, it is common that some issues are only revealed during actual operation. For example, an invoice arrives once a year for which you need to add a special rule.

Step 4 – Operation, maintenance and repair of the integration

It should be borne in mind that various errors are constantly occurring in IT systems due to a variety of factors; this is a natural state that cannot be prevented or avoided. These bugs will need to be continuously fixed, otherwise the integration will not work properly.

Sometimes the change can be planned and maintenance or repair can be carried out smoothly, in other cases we will not know about the change in advance.

With the resulting program, you have the freedom to use it as you wish, holding all the rights for its further use under the usual license. You can ask for it to be sent to you. Navigo Solutions has the program backed up.

How much does integration cost?

You will pay for analysis, programming, hosting, monitoring, backup, maintenance, support, fixing any bugs and more.

We measure work in the so-called. person (MD). One MD represents one person’s work for eight hours. The hourly rate is based on the current price list on the website The price is without value added tax.

Typically, the cost per analysis ranges from 0.5 MD to 2 MD and development from 3 MD to 8 MD, depending on the number of integrated systems and their technical capabilities.

You will be paid for maintenance based on the work you do, at an hourly rate. Every hour started is paid.

For large implementations, we will invoice on an ongoing basis based on agreed work, for small implementations we will invoice on a one-off basis at the end. For small amounts of maintenance and operation, we invoice on a block basis, either quarterly, semi-annually or annually.