Contract management in architectural and design offices
The essence of the activity of architectural and design studios is professional work, to which companies must devote maximum time. But an integral part of this work is also the effective planning of contracts, their management and evaluation. This also involves leading and managing a work team and a range of management activities for which contract managers, HIPs or project managers have only a limited amount of time. Navigo s goal is to offer them a business information system that allows them to manage their company, contracts and work team from one place.
Paper, Excel or a corporate information system?
Every architectural studio or design office has its own way of managing orders, work teams and the whole company. We encounter that some employees report their work on paper or in Excel, record attendance in this way, and ask their supervisors personally for leave or other absences. Management then monitors the financial status of orders or cash flow in a similar manner.
Companies with up to five people can usually get by with Excel and accounting and manage not only the orders, but the entire work team. But as the company grows, all sorts of problems start to arise, leading to the need for
The team and its management
In the case of employees, the company and its managers most often deal with easy and quick reporting of work, tracking attendance and approving absences. Navigo allows you to manage all these activities from one place. As a result, the company has regular and clear timesheets, supervisors immediately know which employees are or are not at work and who and how they plan to take vacation, sick leave, sick leave or other types of unpaid leave.
Satisfied users Navigo3
We help manage tens of thousands of projects in companies of all sizes. Navigo3, as a project-oriented ERP, is usually deployed as the primary management information system for the entire company.
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