Data security

Our customers trust us with their data and expect us to take good care of it. If we fail, our reputation will suffer irreversibly. That’s why we take data security deadly seriously.

Thanks to our specialisation, we are able to achieve a level of security that most (especially smaller) customers would find very difficult to achieve.

Ask any of our existing customers how secure and stable Navigo is and how good the user support is. There’s no better calling card.


We back up the complete Navigo data to three geographically and organizationally (different providers) separate locations. A daily deposit is made and kept for 14 days. A further six months’ deposit is kept after one month. We regularly check if the backups are functional.

If the customer wants to back up their data to their own servers, this is possible. Backups are performed at night using the SSH protocol (scp, rsync) and the customer is responsible for the security of their own server.

In case of leaving Navigo, the customer will receive the data in a machine-readable format (attachments + PostgreSQL database dump).


For user access to Navigo, the encrypted HTTPS protocol is used, so that a potential attacker cannot access the data sent. So you can work with Navig in peace even in a café. We regularly check the status of SSL settings and certificates.

Server administrators can only access the servers by a very secure way (SSH with certificate + IP restriction).


Our servers run in Amazon datacentres (Amazon Web Services). AWS complies with a large number of laws, certifications, regulations and ordinances. GDPR, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 to name a few. By default, the servers are located in our data centre in Frankfurt am Main (EU, Germany), but we can also place the server in another AWS data centre on request.

Our servers use the Linux operating system, which we update regularly.

Smaller customers share a server with a few others, larger customers (100+ users) get a dedicated server.


Navigo is built on the following technologies:

  • Backend: Java, Apache, Tomcat, PostgreSQL
  • Frontend: React + JSP (gradually being rewritten to React)

All tools and libraries are updated regularly.


In addition to the processes and technologies mentioned above, we also mention the following:

  • The attachments are stored encrypted on the disk.
  • A minimum number of employees have access to customer data.

Support, SLA

In the GTC we promise 99.5% Navigo availability except for announced maintenance (typically Saturday late evening).

Our user support is available by phone and email on working days in the Czech Republic from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. However, information from you is also available to us outside of the above support hours via our telephone switchboard or email. We accept your messages 24/7 and handle them according to our support policy.

…but we still need your help

All our measures are based on cooperation with the customer. It is therefore essential to follow basic security rules: keep your computer up to date, use antivirus software, do not log in from shared computers, and use a unique and secure password.