Absenteeism facilitates, speeds up and systematises the submission and approval of requests for time off work. For those requesting absences, the process of requesting is quick and easy, management has visibility of who is absent from work, human resource management and work capacity planning are simplified, while at the same time an accurate and clear basis for payroll is created.
Saturdays and Sundays, or public holidays, are automatically included in the absences. It is possible to work with both hourly and full-day absences.
Absences can be integrated with the external attendance system you use in your company.
Wherever absences are displayed and used
Absences from the perspective of a regular employee
Absences from a human resources and economic management perspective
Wherever absences are displayed and used
Absences are reflected in Navigo in a number of areas to help you in your HR management. You can find them in the calendar and user overview. You can export a report from them in the HR documents tab, you can see them in the capacity plan. When scheduling allocations through absences, you can see if you can assign a task to a specific person. You can also find them in the history, where you will also see a triangle to indicate that the selected absence type does not affect other actions. For example, compensatory time off and home office have no effect on the working time pool (that’s why it appears as a black triangle in the reporting history) or home office on capacity planning (that’s also why home office is marked with a black triangle.)
Absences from the perspective of a regular employee
Any Navigo user can request to be absent. The prerequisite is that he has set the right for requesting absences (right: Work absence – he can insert and modify his own records).
He can also have his rights set so that he can apply not only for himself, but also for someone else or for everyone. (right: Work – may change the reported work of subordinates and Work – may change all work that is not “old”)
The process of requesting approval for an absence is intuitive and very simple – just create a new absence, save it and then start the approval process. You can find the detailed procedure in the video.
Overview of absences from the employee’s perspective
On the absence report, each employee can see their own absences, which they can also export. Depending on his/her permissions, he/she can also see an overview of the absence of others.
Entering absences retrospectively
It may be necessary to request an absence retrospectively. Navigo allows this, but the employer can restrict this back-entry from a certain date by blocking it in Navigo. If the absence cannot be entered retrospectively, you must contact your employer.
Change of absence from work
It is possible to change an absence if it has not been approved. If the approval process has already taken place, the approval process must be restarted when the change is made.
Absences from a human resources management and economic perspective
Absenteeism from a human resource management perspective determines the pool of opportunities to work and therefore has an impact on capacity planning. At the same time, the absences provide the basis for making payroll.
Basic settings for absences
The basis for the correct use of absences is the setting of the user – in particular his/her hours and the use of public holidays. These can be set on a country-specific basis.
Overlapping absences and holidays
For types of absences where there is an overlap with a public holiday, you will see this overlap in the absence overview in the form of a warning triangle.
Exceptions are certain types of absences (holidays, home office, compensatory leave or unpaid leave). If these types of absences overlap with a public holiday, the absence shall have zero value and shall not be counted. After the public holiday, the absence continues. Therefore, the triangle does not appear for these absences either.
Overview of absences
The absence list is a list of all absences that have been implemented, are running or requested in your company. In this report, you can always see only the absences for which you are authorised. You can see the type of absence, absence by selected date (This displays absences in the selected period specified in the Date field. So you can see the extent of the absence in the filtered time period, not the entire duration if it exceeded that time period.) and the total duration of the absence (This displays the date and duration of the entire absence.)
The period of absence is expressed in hours. The duration takes into account the user’s daily workload.
For each absence, you can access, delete, or start the approval from the context menu via the Detail of the individual absences, similarly to what is done in the Detail of the individual absences.
Absence filtering
Absences can be filtered by user, organizational unit, type of absence, date, whether it is a personal or company-wide absence, or a combination. It is also possible to select whether we display public holidays and it is also possible to filter by approval status.
If you have rights to enter Absences for multiple people, when filtering the absences entered for all, you will see the duration with a question mark. This is because each user may have different hours on different days, so the number of hours of absence is only visible when filtering a specific user. The filter always responds to the setting of whether you are looking for only personal, both personal and company-wide absences, or only company-wide absences.
Export of absences
Absences can be exported to a separate report, they are also part of the reports in the HR documents tab, which are used by the HR department.
Approval of absences
Because an employee’s absence from the workplace can cause a number of problems in the day-to-day operations of a company, many companies deal with the approval of absences. Navigo makes it very simple, fast and efficient to approve an employee’s absence without complicated administrative steps.
The approval of absences is based on the organizational units, the immediate superior can approve the absence and the so-called. the person in charge. The list of absences pending approval will appear as a hand and the number of pending absences in the upper right corner.
Higher superiors also have the possibility to approve the absence, right up to the root of the organisational tree. The notification of the hand is only shown to the direct supervisor and the person in charge, higher supervisors do not receive it, but they can approve the absence by clicking on the hand in the approval filter. They are not burdened with unnecessary notifications.
Blocking absences
As with work reporting, it is possible to block the entry of absences. You can choose any amount of time your staff can retroactively enter absences.
The blocking of absences is determined by organizational units, you can block individuals or organizational units, but it depends on the rights settings and organizational structure.