Blocking and closing

Blocking and locking in Navigo includes a wide range of options, features and settings that tell individual users and groups what they can see, enter or change in Navigo.

All blocking and locking capabilities are designed to prevent distortion of project or company-wide economic results across Navigo, as well as lead to secure handling of data and information across the company. Closure also has a key impact on capacity planning.

It is possible to block user options by setting their rights, it is also possible to restrict the backward or forward reporting of work, absences and the registration of arrivals and departures, and it is also possible to close and thus block changes in projects or parts of a project. Some blocking options can be done in bulk in System Settings.


Blocking in Users
Blocking via rights
Blocking work reporting, absences and attendance
Closing a project and its parts
Blocking and closing in System Settings

Blocking in Users

For each user, we can block the ability to work with Navigo in any way by allowing them to set their status as suspended or terminated.

However, we can also set the active status to a future date, so the user will not be able to work in Navigo until then. At the same time, you can also block his ability to log in to Navigo by disabling the login in the context menu.

Blocking via rights

You can also assign each user to a rights group to restrict their access to specific information or limit their ability to enter or change information. Setting up rights is a very specific matter, so you should contact our consultants for basic setup.

Blocking the reporting of work, absences and attendance

Each company can set how far back their employees can report work. This setting – i.e. blocking reporting – can be set for a specific user or on organisational units. For details on setting up these blocks, click here.

Closure of the project and its parts

Once you consider the project complete, it can be closed. In this case, it is no longer possible to report work on it. This protects the project from changes that could affect the outcome of the project. Once a project is closed, some people may be able to reopen the project.

However, the individual components of the plan – subcontracts, allocations, contractual milestone, WBS element and projected revenue – can also be concluded.

By concluding a sub-delivery, it is no longer possible to assign a new invoice to it. If the invoice associated with a sub-delivery is approved, it is also not possible to change it.

For issued invoices, after filling in the invoicing period, it is possible to set the blocking of the entry of work in this period.

In the case of closed planned income, it can then no longer be invoiced and linked to the actual payment.

Blocking and locking in System Settings

Through System Settings, you can set some blocking system-wide for the entire company. This includes the possibility of sharing information, limiting the reporting of work in relation to allocations, new projects, setting how many working days can be reported backwards and how many days forward.