Blocking the reporting of work, absences and attendance

Managers have the ability to set limits on how far back or forward users can report work, absences or entries in the attendance register in Navigo.

Use the work reporting blocking if employees report late, don’t remember when and how much work they did, report work to other projects, etc. All these errors lead to an inaccurate distribution of the work done between the projects, thus distorting their economic reality.

Thanks to the ability to block the reporting of work, absences and attendance, the economic and HR departments are spared unexpected changes caused by additional additions or rewriting of timesheets, etc.


Where we can find the blocking option
Who can block
Ways to block
Blocking absences and attendance

Where we can find the blocking option

Blocking can be found in the calendar, User Overview, work reports and absences after filtering an individual user, in the arrival and departure register, in organisational units and Users. You can also set up blocking in the System Settings for work reporting.

Who can block

The blocking options always depend on the rights settings. It usually blocks the head of the organizational units. It can also block the so-called. A delegated person who is appointed as a substitute for the manager. This is set up in the organisational units and it is not necessary to set rights to be an authorised person. An authorised person can only block entire organisational units. To be able to block individual users as well, additional rights must be set.

Methods of blocking

Blocking can be done either on an organizational unit, on individual users, on a project, or across Navigator.

Blocking on organisational units

In the case of OU blocking, the head of an OU can set up blocking for subordinates in his or her OU and for subordinate OUs or users within them.

In the OU hierarchy, if the parent OU has a stricter blocking setting than the child OU, the stricter setting applies to the child OU as well. For example, if the higher unit has a work reporting block date of 31.12. and the subordinate has a reporting date of 20. 12., the date 31.12. will also apply to this unit. Thus, the time period for which work can be reported back is shorter.

To make it easier to navigate, Navig distinguishes which blocking is valid for organizational units by means of a color lock:
Grey – the unit has no blocking set and takes over the settings of the parent unit.
Orange – blocking is set for the organizational unit, it is taken over by the parent unit
Red – has blocking set for itself and subordinate units, unless they have it set separately or their settings are more benevolent.

Blocking individual users

Blocking individual users can be done in the user overview. This blocking can only be done by the head of the organisational unit, his supervisor or an authorised person if they have been granted special rights.
Even the head of the organisational unit is a user. He cannot set a blocking in the user overview for himself or for the organisational unit to which he is assigned as a user.

Blocking the reporting of project work

In case we need to block only the possibility of reporting on a specific project, we select the date in the project detail from which (including the project) the work can no longer be reported backwards. The second option is to block reporting directly by checking the Reporting blocked checkbox.

Blocking in System Settings

In System Settings you can set yourself how many days backwards you can still report work. There is a default setting of zero.
Reporting work forward is automatically disabled. However, it may happen that you need to allow employees to report work in the future, e.g. This may be necessary, for example, in order to have the reports ready before the end of the month. Navigo allows you to set how many days employees can report ahead.

Blocking absences and attendance

Because arrivals and departures to work and absences are very tightly coupled, blocking them in Navigo is also linked. It is carried out in a similar way to the blocking of work reporting and the same rules apply as regards the hierarchy of organisational units, their managers and persons in charge.