Keep an eye on your Navigo contracts!

Have you paid a penalty for missing a contract deadline? Did you forget a note in a contract addendum and lose a customer because of it? Do you spend hours of your time checking deadlines and contractual commitments for your projects? Navigo can help you solve this problem efficiently.


Contract Date – Basic Commitment
Milestones – Contract Date Watchers

Every contract or work order brings with it a number of obligations for the company that must be fulfilled accurately and on time. Failure to meet them is usually linked to heavy fines, the possibility of withdrawal from the contract and the loss of other potential contracts. In companies, these obligations are called variously, for example, contractual obligations, contractual terms, contractual dates or also contractual dates.

Especially for more complex projects, there are often multiple deadlines and milestones in the contract. Moreover, most companies, whatever their business, carry out many jobs simultaneously. Keeping track of all the contractual arrangements and commitments in projects can be a complex problem.

Contract terms
Contractual commitments as project milestones

Contract Date – Basic Commitment

Many companies are trying to solve problems with contract data by computerising contracts and storing them in an information system. However, this does not effectively address the situation and the following problems persist:

  • It is necessary to repeatedly search for contractual obligations in paper contracts or to review stored documents. This leads to time loss and increases the communication burden in the company.
  • Project staff do not always learn or remember correctly all the terms and conditions of the contract as stated in the contract. This can increase the error rate in project implementation.
  • Monitoring the fulfilment of contractual obligations, especially the individual parts, is often very time-consuming and staff-intensive.
  • When a contract amendment is created, it is often forgotten, errors in contract management occur and financial losses result.
  • It is practically impossible for the company management to keep track of all important contractual data despite the fact that they are financially and reputably responsible for their compliance.

To make project management and project execution as easy as possible for project managers and staff, we have created the Milestones feature in Navigo. It allows contractual commitments (e.g. due dates, contract phases, due dates, suspense, etc.) to be displayed directly within the project plan.

Navigo allows you to insert a contract date
Navigo allows you to insert a contractual date with the possibility of time linking to another event.

At the same time, you can set up notifications for the most important contract dates or any selected contract date so that the company management has an immediate overview of them. In addition to contractually defined milestones, you can also set your own milestone for a project, which serves as an internal deadline for a specific activity.

Milestones – contract deadline watchdogs

The use of Milestones and Contract Data in Navigo’s contract management is greatly simplified by:

  • You have an instant overview of all important deadlines and company commitments.
  • Avoid delays in the order.
  • You will follow a defined project implementation strategy.
  • You have your contract data in one place and can edit it easily. The entire project plan automatically responds to a correction in the contract data. This makes it easy to reschedule even a large project.
  • Identify wrongly contracted commitments in time (e.g. non-existent deadline, errors in contracting time sequence, etc.).
  • Avoid the accumulation of contract deadlines in too short a period of time.
  • Quickly assess the implications of changes in the contract from both a financial and capacity perspective.

Attachments can also be added to milestones to help you, for example, when handing over a completed project phase.

Want to see how much easier the milestones and contract data features make your job? Try Navigo3

Or take a look at other tools for project management.