Organizational units

Organizational units allow you to set up your own company structure. By using them, you will be able to compare the departments of your company.

An organizational unit is a department, division, group, branch, studio or team about which you need to have separate information.

By assigning an employee to an organizational unit Navigo automatically recognizes which department to credit for the reported work.

What can be an organizational unit?

The first organizational unit is the company itself, you do not need to create it in the organizational units, it is created automatically when you create a Navigo for your company. If you don’t want to continue using the organizational units, Navigo automatically assumes that the company itself is an organizational unit. From this you can further create other organizational units in the form of a vertical or horizontal tree structure. Any number of users can be assigned to each unit. You can set up the organizational units under the cogwheel, where you can create a detailed company structure using the context menu for each organizational unit.

Head of the organizational unit and person in charge

For each organizational unit, you can designate a manager who will have specific authority over the unit and all subordinate units.

The head of an organizational unit can designate a so-called authorized person in Navigo. This refers to a person who, due to the nature of their position, should not have certain permissions, but the head of the organizational unit grants them in Navigo. This person then has the ability to approve absences on his/her behalf or set up absence blocking and recording of arrivals and departures, and work reporting. These powers shall be exercised to the same extent as the head of the organizational unit.

The authorized person can be anyone, including individuals from other organizational units, without needing any special permissions set for their work with authorized persons in Navigo.

Organizational units and users

When you create a user, you can assign them to a specific organizational unit, and then you can move them in User Progress. In each organizational unit, you can see a list of users who are in that unit and click on a specific user to access their profile.

You can change a user’s organizational unit on the current date, schedule a change for a specific future date, or make a change in the past. If you want to make a change in the future, the user will only appear in the organizational unit when you filter the date to which the user should be assigned to the new unit. In the case of changes to the past, it must be borne in mind that the user has already reported work to another organisational unit and therefore these already created reports will be moved. The system will alert you.

Each user can only be assigned to one organizational unit at a time.

Organizational units and projects

In Project Detail, you can assign to each project the organizational unit under which it falls. She is responsible for the project and manages it. The project cannot be assigned to more than one organizational unit. However, employees of any organizational unit may report work to it. Navigo registers which organizational unit the user belongs to and thus calculates the share of each department in the project. This is then seen in the Project Overview.

Organizational units and approval

Thanks to the created structure of the organizational units, you can set the approval hierarchy in the company. As the set-up of the approval process by organizational unit is highly individual, you should contact our consultant. The approval itself is free, but the default setup requires custom work and is therefore paid for. The exception is the approval of absences, which is set automatically.

Blocking on organisational units

It is possible to set up the blocking of the back entry of absences and arrivals and departures as well as the back reporting of work on the organizational units. The head of an organizational unit or a delegated person has the right to set blocking for the organizational units below him, but he cannot block himself. More about blocking, how it works and your options can be found here.

Change tracking and filtering by organizational unit

A company is a living organism that is constantly evolving and changing. Users and organisational units change. Most often there is movement of individual users, who either move or come and go, but entire new organisational units can also be created or disappear.

Navigo allows you to view inactive drives, view terminated and suspended users and list users on a drive, and view users on a specific date.

By organizational unit, we can filter between Job, Projects, Users, in Financial Plan and Reality in the Projects filter, in Absences and in Reporting History. Thus, we always see the monitored parameter for a specific, filtered, department. This allows us to evaluate, for example, how employees in the department perform, whether they are overloaded or how much of the company’s absenteeism they account for.

You can also filter by organizational unit in Performance Indicators, where you can monitor the efficiency of each of the company’s units.

Organisational units and service departments

The use of organizational units can help solve the problem of service departments that provide support and services to other departments but do not manage a specific project themselves and therefore cannot report a direct profit. In Navigo, when reporting on project work, it is clear who from which department participated in the project, including the share of service departments. Navigo can then calculate the share of each department in the loss/profit of the project.