Statements of work

Job reports help you track costs on individual jobs and give you an overview of your team’s workload. For employees, reporting work in Navigo is very simple and fast, they can report work from their computer or mobile.

In Navigo, you can track your timesheets by different criteria – by project, job type or team member. You can also use a simple graphical view of the timesheets for individual team members to identify overloaded or underutilized employees.

The job reports are also linked to the capacity plan, which displays relevant information at any time and the capacity of individual people to work.


Job statements from the employee’s perspective
Labour reporting from the management perspective

Job statements from the employee’s perspective

Why report work in Navig3

  • You can show your work in a few clicks.
  • You can report work from anywhere, you just need the internet.
  • You do not have to keep additional records of the work done, prepare a table of hours worked for the accountant, etc.
  • You can keep track of how many hours you have worked.
  • Management has an instant overview of whether you are overloaded.

When to report work

It is ideal to fill in the timesheets on the day the work is done, otherwise the timesheets will be inaccurate. However, Navigo also allows you to report work backwards, depending on the specific setup in your company. It is also possible in certain circumstances to recognise work in the future, for example before the end of the year when the accountant needs to close the month.

Wherever you can find the option to report work

You can report work via the Calendar under the Report tab, on a specific project, on an allocation from the context menu, or even on the Dashboard. The rules for reporting are the same everywhere, you will always get a similar form for reporting work.

Statements of work per allocation or per type of work

As an employee, you usually work on a project. Sometimes you are assigned a specific task (called an allocation), other times it is not a specific task, but just the type of work you do, like other colleagues in the team. An allocation is, for example, the preparation of an architectural study of a building for a specific project; a type of work is generally, for example, design work. If you personally have a specific task assigned to you, you are therefore reporting work called. on the allocation, if you do not have a specific task assigned, you report only on the type of work.

To make it easier for you to fill in your timesheets, you can set a preferred default job type in your User Profile, which will then be the first job type you see when reporting. Only if you have a given allocation, the type of work for which the allocation was created is pre-filled.

Statements of work and attendance records

If your company uses the Check-in and Check-out register in Navigo, it is ideal that you have first filled in the attendance form, which will be displayed in green in the calendar. If you use external attendance, you can see the actual number of hours. You will then report on the work done in relation to it.

Labour and utilisation statements

There are works that are not directly related to the specific contract. For example, various administrative tasks or company meetings. The time spent on this work cannot be billed to a specific customer as project work. Management usually has a reliable idea of what percentage of time individual team members need to spend in this way. In Navigo, they can therefore set what the utilization is. That is, the amount of time a team member has to work on specific projects for the customer. To give you an idea – the utilization of an architect will be 90%, so that percentage of the working time must be reported by working on projects, the remaining 10% is not reported. Utilization settings can be found in the User Overview under the Report tab.

Blocking job reports

Your manager may restrict your ability to report work retrospectively or prospectively. You can see how much you can report back on your User Profile on the Overview tab. If you have forgotten to report work or need to correct your timesheet, you must contact your supervisor.

Labour statements from the perspective of company management

Why report work in Navigo

  • You have an accurate and immediate overview of the hours worked by each team member and can see their workload.
  • You can see how challenging a particular project was and plan the next one more accurately with that in mind.
  • The only way to distinguish bad contracts from good ones is if the work involved is reported. If you don’t show the work, the cost of the work is taken as overhead and no one cares.
  • You can easily export timesheets for your accounting and HR departments.
  • You can effectively plan work capacity.
  • Navigo further processes the data from the timesheets and generates a range of automated outputs that make your financial and HR management easier.

Prerequisites for correct reporting of work

In order for Navigo to extract all the benefits from your team’s timesheets for you, you need to have some parameters set in Navigo. In particular, the time, hourly rate, public holidays and utilisation must be set for each User. It is also important to have the types of work and overhead rate set.

Statements of work per allocation or type of work

Each employee can report work either on a task assigned to him individually (on a specific project), i.e. on an allocation, or on a type of work. Which work scheduling option you choose depends on whether you need to track specific costs associated with one team member, or are just interested in general costs per type of work on the project.

Labour and utilisation statements

To avoid the employee having to report all the work, you can work with utilization, which determines the ratio of reported work to the employee’s total time as a percentage. Thus, the employee is to report on the orders the hours determined by utilization. Others do not have to report work. You set the utilisation for individual users based on your experience. Non-utilizable team member time must be added to the overhead rate.

Reporting of work and attendance

If our company uses the arrival and departure register, the attendance is displayed in a green bar. It is necessary that the hours reported correspond to attendance. If the company has an external attendance system connected, you can see in the calendar at the top, for example, 4/8.5 That is 4 hours of 8.5 hours of attendance. In case of external attendance or attendance records, the calendar shows the reality, if neither is used by the company, we can see the time pool. It can be even more humiliating.

Blocking job reports

The backfilling of timesheets can be restricted by blocking, both for individual users, organisational units and the entire company. For example, you can restrict the ability to make changes to timesheets that are already processed by the accounting department. You can also set various other blocking options on the projects in the Details and System Settings.

System settings for labour reports

In Navigo it is possible to preset some conditions for job reports in bulk. This is done under the cogwheel in System Settings. You can select how many working days can be reported backwards or how many days can be reported forwards. It is also possible to set here on a newly created project to report only on allocations, or on a newly created project to set the reporting of work only on the type of work with a plan, etc.

If you set up job reports in System Settings in a certain way, this will apply to all projects created after this setting. However, if we set a different rule for statements of work for each contract, that is what will apply to this project.

What do we look for in labour statements?

Reporting work is a reality versus scheduling your own work. It allows Navigo to monitor a number of important parameters – for example, to capture trends in project reality or the correctness of project planning and costs. It also provides the ability to monitor employee workload and adjust staffing capacities on projects and in the company accordingly.

Overview of reported work on the project

In addition to subcontracting , we can also track our own (internal) work done by company employees on the project. Keeping track of how much of this work was done on the project, i.e. how much the team’s work cost you, is done through timesheets.

On the overview of each project, we can see the statements of work by individual team members. In the job plan, we can see the reported work by both work type and allocation
For a project, we can also find the related work statements. Among them we can filter for example by specific team member, work type, allocation or organizational unit.

The reported work is also tracked on the project’s thermometers, where as individual team members begin to report work, the light blue color is gradually replaced by dark blue, or orange when plans are exceeded. If the actual work is only planned for a work type, so there are no allocations to it, a light blue and white bar appears. You can find the thermometers in the plan under Custom Work, under each Work Type and under Allocations. The actual (internal) work is also visible on the overall project thermometer .

User Overview

The user overview provides valuable information about the employee’s work. This way, he can see the utilization at the end of the month, the absences and also the projects that one-man team members have reported on.

Checking labour statements

Under the All Reports tab, you can find all the work that team members have reported to Navigo. They can be filtered by a large number of parameters, such as job type, project, user, date, etc. From here, we can also export work reports, exports can be created according to the parameters specified in the filter, for example for a given period or by user.

Work reporting history

Under the History tab, you will find a visualized overview of the workload of individual employees according to how they report their work. Based on the colour indicator, which ranges from white to red, we can see at a glance which team member was underworked, which was working in proportion to their time and which was overworked. This can improve capacity planning.

Where to write the data from the labour statements

Navigo also works with the reported working hours in other outputs. This allows you to see how you are doing with your own (internal) work in the thermometers, you can monitor the status on the EVM chart and in the Performance Indicators(KPIs). Also, the project overview shows the percentage of work reporting by organizational unit.