Navigo for Company Management and CFO

Navigo generates a number of automatic outputs from the data entered, which provide the company’s management and CFO with a comprehensive overview of the company’s status, offering retrospective data analysis and a view into the future.

All of this information is collected from partial information that is continuously entered into Navigo by employees, project managers, or accounting or HR staff. Thus, Navigo does not require any overwriting of information and data, on the contrary, it is designed to generate maximum outputs from one piece of information without repeated input.

A global overview of the company’s project portfolio, KPIs and cash flow is important for the management. From each macro view of the company and the project, it is always possible to get down to more detailed levels and trace in more detail, for example, which projects are having problems.

Thanks to Navigo, the company’s management has an overview of important deadlines and contract dates, can see work in progress, overdue invoices and a number of business opportunities, from which they can then derive an outlook for the future.

Many large companies implement their financial planning and management on the basis of centre-based management, which monitors the performance of individual departments. Navigo streamlines the centre management system by means of so-called organisational units, through which the income and expenditure of individual centres can be filtered. In some cases, it can even replace centre-based management altogether.

An important feature for middle and senior management is the ability to filter projects by various parameters. This makes it easier to make strategic decisions and set or adjust the company’s long-term goals.

With Navig, management can also set employee permissions to access company information. In many cases, Navigo will allow you to pass information in such a format that the employee can, for example, use it for the following purposes. does not see specific amounts of money, but receives the output in percentage terms, which allows him to orient himself in what he needs.

Navigo can also monitor the capacity utilization of employees and thus identify long-term staff shortages or surpluses and make relevant decisions about possible changes.

What the management and CFO do at Navigo

  • monitors KPIs and cashflow of the company
  • reviews and evaluates the project portfolio
  • monitors order forecasts
  • controls the expenditure and profits of the various centres
  • based on the outputs from Navigo, sets the company’s objectives
  • solves system problems