WBS and project documentation stages

In design and architectural activities, project management involves a comprehensive set of extensive, intricately interconnected tasks and processes that depend on numerous factors. Navigo3’s WBS allows you to divide these projects by project documentation stages and thus easily maintain control over the entire project at all stages.

The WBSproject management method consists of dividing more complex projects or contracts into a tree structure. In design and architectural offices , the planning and execution of contracts is based on the stages of the project documentation. Navigo3’s WBS meets this need and allows projects to be planned according to these stages.


Advantages of WBS planning by project documentation stages
How to plan a project by project documentation stages
Tracking costs for Architectural Study, Documentation for Zoning Permit, Documentation for Building Permit, Documentation for Execution of the Construction and more

Advantages of WBS planning by project documentation stages

  • It fully corresponds to the professional way of planning work in design a architectural offices.
  • It monitors the financial costs of the Architectural Study, Documentation for Zoning Permit, Documentation for Building Permit, Documentation for Execution of the Construction, documentation of the actual design and documentation of demolition works.
  • It allows you to add project structures depending on the implementation of the individual stages of the project documentation.
  • It allows you to easily change the deadlines and work plan at any time in relation to real changes in the individual procedures necessary to obtain the project documentation for the construction.
  • It helps to monitor the efficiency and success of individual phases of work and separately compare the success of departments in the company.
  • It serves as basis for the price offer.

How to plan a project according to the stages of the project documentation

It is easy to create a job by project documentation level in Navigo3’s WBS. Just create individual items in the WBS: Architectural study, Documentation for Zoning Permit, Documentation for Building Permit/Construction Notification, Documentation for Execution of the Construction, Documentation of the Actual Execution, Documentation of Demolition Works. Each of the items created in this way can then be divided into sub-works and sub-deliveries, assigned responsibilities, deadlines and budgets.

WBS works best when planned according to the stages of the project documentation.
WBS works best when planned according to the stages of the project documentation.

At the beginning of the planning process, it is possible to create a plan that includes all stages of project documentation. However, it is also possible to proceed step by step, starting with the creation of the Architectural Study item in the plan and then scheduling the individual activities for the completion of the entire study. When the study is completed and there is a will to proceed, you can create the next level of the project and create the Documentation for Zoning Permit, Documentation for Building Permit / Construction Notification, Documentation for Execution of the Construction, Documentation of the Actual Execution or Documentation of Demolition Works.

Cost tracking for Architectural Study, Documentation for Zoning Permit, Documentation for Building Permit / Construction Notification, Documentation for Execution of the Construction and others

Thanks to the fact that Navigo3’s WBS allows you to track the financial costs of each project node (in this case, each stage of the project documentation) using a simple gauge, you get a very quick and accurate overview of where financial losses are likely to occur for each project stage.

For each stage of the project documentation, the WBS monitors costs.
For each stage of the project documentation, the WBS monitors costs.

Construction projects involve a number of complex processes and sequential steps. A specific feature of these projects is that at any time during the individual phases, the project implementation can be interrupted for a long period of time or even completely stopped, which significantly prolongs and therefore increases the cost.

In the case of architectural studios, design or architectural offices are exposed to the risk of failure in an architectural competition, and therefore also to the risk of financial loss, because the so-called “crayon fee” may not cover the costs incurred. WBS Naviga3 is able to automatically monitor all deadlines and the finances spent in order to warn of these losses in time.

Similar risks of financial loss are present not only with architectural studies, but also in the acquisition and processing of the above mentioned documentation types (Documentation for Zoning Permit, Documentation for Building Permit / Construction Notification, Documentation for Execution of the Construction and others). The main reason is that the preparation of projects in the construction industry depends not only on many subcontracts, but also on the activities of various authorities and a number of procedures with deadlines that cannot be determined with certainty. Planning a project can therefore be extremely complex and many changes often have to be made . Each of these changes affects other activities and can fundamentally change their budget, timetable and the number of people working on the job.

Navigo3’s WBS reacts to these changes automatically. When a change is made to the plan, for example in the Documentation for Zoning Permit, the change is automatically transferred to other plan items. This makes it possible to reschedule deadlines, finances and responsibilities very efficiently.