
Operation and service

Navigo3 is a system for project management and project companies. We strive to make its operation as convenient and efficient as possible for users. With this vision in mind, we are designing and planning its entire operation. We pride ourselves on our friendliness to the customers and, although we treat many operational matters formally, we primarily rely on trust and quality communication.

We are Navigo Solutions s.r.o., please refer to the final section Detailed definition of terms in these Terms and Conditions for detailed information about us and the precise definition of certain terms used in these Terms and Conditions 1.

What is Navigo3

Navigo3 is a software system for project management and project companies, which we provide in the form of SaaS (software as a service). This means that the system runs on the Internet, specifically on Navigo Solutions servers, and you rent it. So you don’t install anything on your computer, download applications or buy licences for programs. You pay a regular fee for using the service, which is based on the number of users. You can access Navigo via a web browser on your computer, tablet or mobile phone and log in anytime, anywhere.

You also don’t have to worry about whether the system is up to date, we take care of everything for you. You only receive information about updates or new features, and a summary of all new features is always available on

In this document we summarise our terms and conditions, which define what is required to use Navigo3. In other words, these Terms and Conditions 1 govern the procedures, respectively. the mutual rights and obligations arising in connection with the conclusion of the Navigo3 System Use Agreement (detailed below) between Navigo Solutions and You as the Service Customer.

If you are ordering Navigo3, you have probably already been informed about the possibility of setting up one of the Additional Solutions. It is important to know that the set-up and use of a Supplementary Solution is not part of this service, i.e. the use of Navigo3, and is governed by separate Terms and Conditions 2.

What is addressed by these Conditions 1?

In this document we summarise our terms and conditions, which define what is required to use Navigo3. In other words, these Terms and Conditions 1 govern the procedures, respectively. the mutual rights and obligations arising in connection with the conclusion of the Navigo3 System Use Agreement (detailed below) between Navigo Solutions and You as the Service Customer.

If you are ordering Navigo3, you have probably already been informed about the possibility of setting up one of the Additional Solutions. It is important to know that the set-up and use of a Supplementary Solution is not part of this service, i.e. the use of Navigo3, and is governed by separate Terms and Conditions 2.

What are we signing together?

We consider the offer to use the Navigo3 system accepted by You to be a Contract between Us. Our relationship is then governed in detail by these Terms and Conditions 1.

Subject of the Contract

The contract includes the rental of Navigo3 and support for the use of the system. Support for Navigo3 can be provided in a partner company mode. The offer will specify whether you are receiving support from us or from a partner. If you receive support directly from us, the rules described in Appendix 1 apply. Otherwise, the support is handled by the partner company and governed by their rules, which they will provide to you.

Where do we store your data?

Navigo3 is a cloud-based system. This means that your data is not physically stored on disks in your company, but on Navigo Solutions servers. Access to your data by our employees is strictly selective – only those who absolutely need it to do their job will have access. For example, an administrator or user support to solve a problem.

How secure is Navigo3?

We consider the security of your data at Navigo to be one of our top priorities. We therefore store all data in large data centres (e.g. Amazon Web Services) with special security, multiple internet connections, resistance to major attacks and several different power supplies.

We back up your information daily to at least three geographically separate storage locations. In addition, you can have these backups sent to your own server every day.

In order to ensure maximum security, we expect you to cooperate with certain security rules. This includes the use of strong passwords, anti-virus software, and you are also obliged to inform us if you suspect that your login details have been lost, etc.

We reserve the right to further process your anonymised data analytically and statistically, in particular for the further development of the Navigo3 system. At the same time, we want you to know that the data once provided cannot be removed from our analytical and statistical outputs even after the termination of the Agreement. However, we stress that this is anonymised data and you do not have to worry about your sensitive information being misused.

What will we need from you?

The operation of Navigo makes no special demands on communication and cooperation with us. We require each customer to have a liaison officer, so called. We need a key user who will communicate with us and ensure smooth and fast transfer of information. Within your company, it sets the rules for using Navigo, trains new users, etc. For example, a Project Director, Operations Director, Project Manager or Office Manager is ideal for this position.

In case you have difficulties with Navigo, we can help you evaluate whether you should just change the key user or use one of our advanced training courses or consultations.

What will be the procedure for commissioning Navigo?

Navigo3 can be fully used immediately after launching the instance, which we will set up for you within minutes of ordering. In case you need help with the deployment and implementation of Navigo in your company, we offer paid services (implementation, additional solutions, training, etc.) to help you with this requirement. The price for these services is charged by the hour and is based on the current price list.

Support for Navigo3

Our support team consists exclusively of experienced professionals who know Navigo3 perfectly and have a personal interest in helping you. All contacts and instructions for using the aid can be found in Annex 1 of these Conditions 1.

The difference between Navigo operation support and support for Add-on solutions

Contact details and support rules are the same for both services. When contacting Support, you should always keep in mind whether you are actually resolving an issue related to the use of Navigo, or whether you are resolving an issue with a Supplemental Solution that is not part of Navigo s operation and is governed by Terms 2.

How we guarantee the availability of Navigo

We try to make Navigo3 as accessible as possible. However, because all software and hardware can suffer from unavoidable errors or security breaches, Navigo3 may be unavailable for a period of time. Outside of reported routine maintenance, we guarantee 99.5% availability.

If the outage exceeds more than 0.5% of the monthly traffic and if it is repeated for two consecutive months, you have the right to withdraw from the Agreement.

In the event of an outage of Navigo due to the so-called. In the event of a “force majeure”, you are not entitled to a pro rata refund of the monthly payment for the use of Navigo. Unfortunately, we cannot be held liable for interruptions or internet outages on the part of network operators.

What if I find a bug in Navigo?

We test all new features and enhancements very carefully before launching them to our customers. However, you may encounter an error or shortcoming. In that case, inform our support team. The error correction is handled by the rules in Appendix 1 of these Terms and Conditions 1, so you do not need to worry about being left without help.

What about new features in Navigo?

Navigo3 is a comprehensive information system used by a large number of companies, which fully covers the necessary functionality.

Our vision is efficiency, clarity and simplicity. This is also the basis for any changes and news you will see in updates. These modifications or new features are based on our communication with customers and monitoring of their needs and preferences. We collect and continuously evaluate these preferences. If we find that more customers have made a similar request, or if we ourselves assess that more of our customers would appreciate this feature, we will incorporate the request into our long-term plan for further development of Navigo.

However, we do not program new customized features and using Navigo does not entitle you to them. Experience shows us that within the existing functionality of Navigo we can usually solve the customer’s problem without individually programmed functionality. Alternatively, there is a paid Supplementary Solution, which in some cases can be used to add functionality exactly according to your requirements.

Please familiarize yourself thoroughly with the functionality and capabilities of Navigo before signing the order. If you are missing any of the functions and you consider it necessary for yourself, you should wait to implement the system.

An inevitable consequence of the expansion and further development of Navigo are changes in APIs, exports, connectors and other support for integrations. Of course, we try to minimize these changes, but they can never be completely avoided given the necessary developments. We will always try to inform you of these changes in advance.

How is Navigo paid for?

The operation of Navigo is paid as rent. Because it is a SaaS service, you do not pay for any licenses, updates, maintenance, data backups or routine support(Appendix 1). Planned updates to Navigo3 are included in the price of operation.

It is paid once a month for each user, it is a single price for the Customer, regardless of the position or the amount of time the Customer spends using Navigo. This applies if the Customer meets at least one of the following conditions in a given month:

  • His account has been set as active in Navigo for more than 5 days.
  • They have more than one reported hour.
  • They have two or more statements of work.

The first price agreed with us is listed in the offer, we will send you information about any price change electronically.

Navigo price increase options

You can usually expect a price increase from us once a year. We generally do this so that the change matches the rise in inflation and therefore our costs. You will be informed that we are increasing the price no later than 15. day of the calendar month and the increase will then take effect on the fourth month after the month in which we notified you of the change.

What is not included in the Navigo price?

The price for the operation of Navigo does not include the analysis for the implementation of Navigo and the price for the implementation (introduction of Navigo) to the Customer.

The price for the operation of Navigo also does not include the establishment and operation of Additional Solutions (One-time data transfer, Interconnection of corporate systems with Navigo, Customer configuration) or their repair or update solutions.

The price does not include integrations to third-party systems, which we offer as a pre-paid service.

Extra services (premium support, training and workshops) and storage space for attachments are also extra.

If you use Navigo3 in a way that exceeds 1000 MB of data transferred per calendar month, or similarly significantly exceeds the average bandwidth usage of our other customers, we reserve the right to restrict your access to Navigo accordingly and offer you specific operating and pricing terms of use. If you do not agree to the newly offered terms, you may withdraw from the Agreement.

Good manners

In the event that you use Navigo or store data in Navigo that is contrary to good morals, we reserve the right to suspend the operation of Navigo.

Termination of the Contract and subsequent procedure

You and we may terminate this Agreement in writing.

In Navigo, the notice period is three months, starting on the first day of the calendar month following the delivery of the notice. You have the right to request a deposit of your data in Navigo; if you owe us a debt, you will receive it only after it has been paid. We will retain your data for 30 days after the termination of the Agreement before we are obliged to delete it.

If you fail to pay us for the operation of the Navigo and are in arrears with payments for services for more than 20 calendar days and do not promptly remedy this, even if we notify you, then we have the right to terminate the Navigo Agreement by notice without notice.

For information on Data Protection, please refer to Appendix No.
2 of these Terms and Conditions 1.

The Contract and the legal relations arising therefrom, as well as these Terms and Conditions 1, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic. Insofar as the Contract or Terms and Conditions 1 do not regulate certain matters, your and our rights and obligations shall be governed by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended. The provisions of the Contract shall prevail over the Terms and Conditions 1. A part of the support may be assigned by us to a third party, if this happens you will be informed about it. We will endeavour to resolve any disputed matters by negotiation between the parties and by mutual compromise. Should we fail to reach an out-of-court settlement, the courts in the Czech Republic shall have jurisdiction to resolve disputes. We reserve the right to unilaterally change these Terms and Conditions 1 and individual Annexes to these Terms and Conditions 1, but we are obliged to inform you of the change. Until we notify you of the change, we shall be bound by the existing Terms and Conditions 1 and their Annexes. If any provision of these Conditions 1 is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement or Conditions 1 will not be affected in any way. Any notices given by you or us under the Agreement or Terms 1 will preferably be given by electronic means, in particular by email.

For simplicity, we refer to us in this document as “Navigo Solutions” or use the term “we” or refer to ourselves in the preposition
1st person plural (for example: we offer, we require…). Our details are as follows: ID 05363306, VAT CZ05363306, registered office Charvatská 2, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic, entry in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, Insert 94914. You and your company are referred to as “Customer” or “you”, or we refer to you in the subject line
2nd person plural (for example: you order, you deliver…). We also call the Navigo3 system “Navigo3” or just “Navigo”. And this document, which is officially called the Navigo3 Terms of Use, is abbreviated as “Terms and Conditions 1”. The following Annexes are also part of these Conditions 1: ANNEX NO.
1 Support for Navigo3 and Navigo Add-on Solutions; hereafter referred to as “Annex No.
1”. ANNEX NO. 2 Data Protection; in the following we will refer to it as “Annex No.
2”. In these Terms 1, we also refer to the Terms of Establishment and Use of Navigo3 Supplemental Solutions, abbreviated as “Terms 2”.