We are aware that no software can be simplified so that its users can do without support. We also understand that when a software user encounters difficulties that complicate or limit their work, they need to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. That’s why at Navigo we make sure that our support is as accessible and efficient as possible.
Support for Navigo3 and Navigo3 Add-on Solutions
Please send your problem or request to or call +420 775 865 535.
Support hours: 8.00 – 16.00 CET (Czech working days).
A support agent will contact you as follows, depending on the severity of the request; the times given do not mean that the problem will be finally solved by then, but that we will start working intensively on fixing it by that time at the latest.
SOS assistance – within 2 hours of notification during working hours
Acute serious problems that would prevent you from working (e.g. failure of Navigo, its part or the Supplementary Solution) are dealt with immediately, within two hours of the request during working hours.
However, it is necessary to contact us by phone! With regard to automated switching, please stay on the line for more than a few rings.
In addition to information about problems from customers, we have our own monitoring, to which we respond continuously.
Common problems and consultations – no later than
3 working days
For minor problems or questions about how Navigo works, we usually respond within hours to a day, with the most extreme limit being three days.
Development suggestions – within 14 working days
Suggestions for the development of new features are always addressed at the development meeting. Therefore, our response time is usually 14 working days. We will then let you know if your suggestion or comment is included in our development plan.
What will be the procedure after contacting support
After you get in touch with our support team, they will either help you immediately or inform you of the next steps and keep you informed about the status of the solution.
It is possible for all your users to communicate with us when using Navigo3 support, but we require that they are familiar with Terms and Conditions 1 and, if you are also using Supplementary Solutions, Terms and Conditions 2.
Superior support requirements for Navigo3
Basic user support for the operation and use of Navigo is included in the flat-rate and is usually sufficient. In exceptional cases, you may need more intensive training or other individual help. In this case, we will recommend one of the paid services.
Who provides support and how?
Our support team consists exclusively of experienced professionals who know Navigo intimately and have a personal interest in helping you. We won’t leave you at the mercy of a temporary worker who is hastily hunting for information in a manual.
Monika Jakoubková
Iveta Honkova
Pavel Sedlák
Support in Navigo is not only provided by phone or online consultation, but we also offer the possibility of personal training, the basic version of which every company receives for free during initial training.
We know that some companies struggle with their own specific issues that they need to address when implementing project management software. Typical examples are low employee motivation to use new software or unwillingness to report work on a daily basis. For these companies we offer specialized support and training according to the individual needs of each company. We can personally help with the most efficient use of Navigo, but also with project management issues, employee motivation, etc. A detailed offer of these training courses can be found here.
Video tutorials and articles
In addition to the support from our consultants, you can also use the video tutorials available in the Videos section, but you can also access them from our articles that introduce the different Navigo features and how to use them.
Tutorials that will make working with Navigo easier can also be found directly in Navigo, in the so-called ” Navigo ” section. Navigators.
News to you
We will automatically inform you about all new features and changes via email, including video tutorials for new or improved features. If the user so wishes, we actively contact them by phone whenever we have news or changes.
You can also find all the information on our LinkedIn page, where you can also ask us anything you are interested in.