General Terms and Conditions

Our General Terms and Conditions (GTC) are written in a way that is easy to understand even if you are not a lawyer.

At Navigo Solutions, the GTC serve three purposes:

  1. They legally govern the contractual relationship between the customer and us.
  2. They explain clearly the principles on which our cooperation will be based. As a customer, you know in advance what you’re getting into.
  3. Our T&Cs are also essential training material for our new employees, as the scope of their work is determined by the obligations we have written into these Terms.

The GTC may be amended or modified from time to time. You will be informed well in advance if there is a change.

VOP1 deals with Navigo and its operation, VOP2 with Supplementary Solutions.

Validity for existing customersValidity for new customersDescription of changesDownloads
1.9.20241.6.2024Transcription into plain English, eradication of grey areas, rules for Supplementary solutionsVOP1
1.1.20081.1.2008First versionGTC