Mám problém s…

I have a problem with projects, human resources or the company

Are you struggling with issues related to projects, human resources, or your company? You are definitely not alone! Here you will find a list of the most common problems faced by companies. For each problem, we provide the solution that Navigo offers.

  • We manage our projects in Excel but we can see that it is not enough anymore.
  • We have our ways of managing the projects in Excel but it brings more and more complications.
  • Each of us is working with Excel a little bit differently and it is very complicated to compare data.
  • We need to automate some of calculations and outputs.
  • Excel is convenient for us but it bothers us that we need to enter a big part of data repeatedly.
  • We are having issues with completion of data from different sources.

Navigo fully replaces excel spreadsheets and offers a range of smart features to help you get important output without the work. These include, for example, automatic capacity planning, cashflow, project time tracking and many others. Once entered, you don’t have to overwrite the data, it transfers itself to all the necessary places. In Navigo, the data is stored and processed in a uniform way, everyone can find their way around immediately, the individual parts of the project are connected so that you can move between them very easily, quickly and with a few clicks.

  • When it comes to watching the project’s status we are reliant solely on the information from the project managers.
  • We have no idea if the financing of the project is being spent accordingly to the amount of work which still needs to be done on the project.
  • We have no idea how we stand with the work done with regard to the schedule.
  • It is very difficult to compare different parameters in Excel so we can see how our project is doing.
  • We are not making any plans we just estimate everything and then hope that the project will turn out well.

Navigo automatically generates outputs that give you an accurate picture of the status of a particular project at a glance. You can see on the thermometers where the budget stands, as well as an overall prediction of whether the project is running at a loss. You can see the timetable using deadlines and Gantt charts, and you can see the completion status of the entire project in the EVM chart. You don’t have to evaluate and compare any numbers, Navigo does it for you and automatically processes everything into clear graphical outputs.

  • When a colleague leaves the job, it is difficult to learn the state of his projects.
  • It is problematic for us to keep track of what needs to be done in case that someone gets sick.
  • We did not “pass” the work and we have no means of finding out what state are the projects in.
  • I cannot go on a vacation because passing of the agenda to my colleagues is incredibly complicated.
  • We are afraid that some of our colleagues will terminate the employment because we are unable to take on the work in such a short amount of time.
  • I can’t navigate the way my colleagues manage their projects; taking over one of them is a nightmare.

Navigo inherently enables instant and full substitutability. At a glance, you can see the entire status of the project, budget execution, deadlines, subcontracts, and even which employees are working on the project. Everything is shown to you on thermometers, an EVM chart or a Gantt chart. In the list of deadlines you can immediately see which deadlines are burning, in the tasks you have an overview of what needed to be solved. You can also find comments on the project in the Deník.

  • Whole time it looks like the project’s costs are exactly as planned yet the project ends up in a financial loss.
  • We have relied on the project managers affirmations about the budget of the project matching the plan but at the end it turned out that these were just estimations and reality is different.
  • We have problems to identify the problems showing the risk of financial loss in time.
  • We have no idea on which parameters of the contract should we keep an eye on so that we can be sure that project does not end up as a financial loss.
  • We can see that something’s financially wrong with the contract only retrospectively when it is already too late.
  • Forgotten invoice from a subcontractor is an unpleasant surprise for the whole financial outcome of the project.

Navigo monitors the status of the entire project in detail and provides instant information about its current financial situation and future outlook. You will see both at a glance in the thermometers. An EVM chart can also be used to detect early risk of loss, providing an instant comparison between budget spend against schedule and project completion status.

  • It happens that we forget about the important deadline and have to pay a fee.
  • We have no continuous overview of project’s schedule.
  • Deadlines of our projects are stored in different places.
  • Every employee is taking care of their own deadlines on their own if he calls in sick no one has any idea about his deadlines.
  • IF we are late on a partial deadline on a project, it is a huge problem to keep an eye on the follow up deadlines.

Navigo solves your problem by having all your dates in one place. Once the term is threatened, you see a colored signal. Thanks to the Gantt chart, you have a perfect overview of the project timeline, and you can see if you are meeting deadlines in relation to the amount of work done through the EVM chart. All the important terms you enter in the project are interrelated. When one date is changed or postponed, the others are automatically adjusted.

  • It is complicated for us to check the contracts again and again so none of our commitments slip out from our mind.
  • We do not have any immediate overview of all the contractual commitments in our project.
  • Nobody remembers what exactly is stated in the contracts which complicates the substitutability.
  • Only few individuals know enough about the data in the contracts and we do more mistakes.
  • Situation occured when we forgot about the important commitment from our contract and we had to re-plan the project and pay a legal fee.

Navigo allows you to enter milestones for each project, i.e. all important contractual commitments. A complete list of important milestones appears in the timelines. In case of a change in one commitment, it is very easy to transfer the change to the whole project using smart functions.

  • When the change of plan happens we need to re-plan everything manually and we make mistakes.
  • From the temporal and personal point of view it is difficult to keep watch and recalculate the impact of every change in the project.
  • Our projects are depending on contractors or legal authorities so the plans change often and it is becoming very difficult to keep an eye on all the dependencies.
  • There have been changes in the deadlines and it is almost impossible to watch out for all the consequences of these changes towards the contractual commitments to our clients.
  • We are not operative when the change of plan occur.

Navigo works with a set of smart features and links to ensure that changes made to the project plan are reflected in all parts of the project. It is very easy to create these links when planning a project by entering important dates into the plan. You determine which deadlines or commitments can be postponed and, conversely, which cannot be exceeded. In Navigo, you will always have them in sight and can communicate the change with the client in a timely manner.

  • During the long realization phase of the project employees shifted and changed and nobody knows about all the dependencies of the project.
  • Our projects are so huge that smaller units are getting lost in them or are difficult to find.
  • At the bigger projects we are finding it difficult to coordinate the teams and to watch the continuity of actions.
  • At the long-term projects the value of money is changing and it is difficult to re-plan the projects quickly and effectively.
  • It is almost impossible to keep projects as large as ours up-to-date.

Navigo allows you to plan even a large long-term project in a clear and structured way. It uses the WBS tool to divide the project into logical or time units. You choose the complexity of the planning level, and you can elaborate on the plans more extensively during the project. Thanks to this, you have control over the individual blocks, but you can also see their continuities. In the event of changes to deadlines or budgets, the changes are automatically transferred to the entire project plan, so you always have it up-to-date, regardless of its duration.

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