I have a problem with…

I have a problem with projects, human resources or the company

Are you troubled by problems with projects, human resources or the company? You are definitely not alone! Therefore, here you will find a list of the most common problems that companies face. For each of them, we present the solution offered by Navigo.

  • We can see the financial situation of the company always in retrospective only.
  • Until the last moment, we do not know if we are in plus or the minus numbers.
  • We do have a profit on our projects, but after counting all the overhead costs it is clear that we are in a loss.
  • We lack the overview of company’s cashflow.
  • We do not know if we will have enough for salaries.

Navigo automatically processes the financial situation of individual projects into more global analyses and evaluations. It automatically creates the company’s cashflow, works with projected revenue and budgets the overhead rate into projects. It allows you to track your company’s KPIs and provides a macro view of all your contracts, employee costs, subcontracts, etc.

  • In reality, we do not know how much are our overheads, we only assume.
  • We assume that our overheads our high but we have no idea how high.
  • We have no clue, how much of overhead fees is being calculated in the projects.
  • Because we do not have exact image of overhead costs, we do not know how much to charge for our work.
  • We do not know if it is profitable for us to accept some contracts, because we have no idea about the overheads.
  • We must lower the overheads but we do not know which part of them places the most stress on our budget.

Navigo allows you to set an overhead rate that will be automatically budgeted into projects. Thanks to this, you will know how much you should sell your work for, you will see the real financial situation of the company and you can evaluate the efficiency of the realized orders. In case the company’s overhead costs are not accurately determined, Navigo allows you to make a retroactive correction.

  • We haven’t implemented the way of effective information transfer.
  • Everyone in our company stores data differently and watches different data.
  • We have troubles to distribute important information to the relevant people.
  • We receive a lot of data we did not ask for and we overlook the important ones.
  • We consider some of the information discrete and we need to limit the access to them for some people.
  • We do not have the information categorized and secured in our company.

In Navigo, you have all your information in one place and stored in a unified way, which brings quick orientation and streamlines substitutability. Across the company, you can set which information is visible to whom. Navigo automatically detects who should see which information based on the role settings on the project. In Navigo, you can also store discrete information and use rights to determine who can access it.

  • Every project in our company is being directed by a different person and we do not want anyone incompetent to interfere.
  • We need only certain people to be able to see discrete information.
  • We would like someone to see the status of the project but we do not want them to see the project’s finances.

Navigo allows you to set rights and restrictions according to your individual needs. Rights can be limited completely or only to a certain extent. For example, a particular person will not see the project budget, but a percentage of how much of the total budget is spent. You won’t have to specify rights Rights can be set individually, but you can also use the rights settings for roles.

The overall overview of the projects is made up of only partial information from subordinates.

  • We lack an up-to-date overview of the state of our contracts as a whole.
  • We are not able to quickly identify those that are problematic in the multitude of orders.
  • We lack the ability to prioritise contracts.
  • I don’t have the ability to filter projects by different criteria.
  • Finding out about contracts requires a lot of communication and time.

Navigo gives you a comprehensive overview of all projects at the same time. With one glance, you can see how your contracts are progressing, which is at risk or over budget. In the overview, you can sort and filter projects according to various parameters, such as importance and scope, financial or time requirements, threat level, etc. This makes it easy to quickly navigate across projects across the company.

  • Approving processes in our company means paper war.
  • We do not have the approving processes set up and clients sometime get unapproved version of a document.
  • Our approving processes are slow and non-effective, we approve every detail, yet we fear to leave this system.
  • We have no idea who approved what and when.

Navigo makes it very quick and easy to approve a wide variety of documents. You simply set up the approval process and instead of transferring papers or forwarding emails, you just click away. If a document is approved by one person, other stakeholders will be notified of the approval. The approval process in Navigo is secure against retroactive changes and the approval history is available.

  • Management takes lot of my time.
  • We never have enough time, we must automatize and make processes more effective.
  • Everyone turns to me with requests for trivial decisions or for information.
  • Management of company takes our precious time and energy which could be spent on own work.
  • We must perform manager work, it is necessary evil, but we do not know how to make it easier for us.

Navigo makes it easier to manage your business by keeping all the important data and information about your projects clearly organized. You can view automatically generated reports on project status, cashflow, staff capacity, etc. This information will be created from data that your employees enter into the system during the project implementation, for example by reporting work, etc.

  • We have problems evaluating the work of specific departments.
  • Re-invoicing of work between the departments is very complicated.
  • We have central management, but I realize that some aspects of central management are depending on verbal agreement without taking the reality of the project into an account.
  • As a part of central management service centers are claiming profit without the knowledge of financial outcome of contract.

Navigo solves the problem of centre-based management by means of so-called organisational units. It continuously monitors the volume of the individual departments’ own work on contracts. This makes information on the department’s share of the contract available at any time. It is up to you at what stage you decide to split the profits. Using organizational units saves you from re-invoicing work between departments. Navigo also solves the problem of costs of service departments that do not generate direct profit and calculates the share of each department in the loss or profit of the project.

  • Maintaining a software in which we are managing our project is tiring for us.
  • The necessity of continuous file back-ups is becoming a problem and we do not know if back-ups are complete.
  • We work in our own software but person who programmed it left and no one is capable of managing the system.
  • We have a software which’s provider is not on the market anymore and we have no idea what to do about it.
  • We have no expert, time or intention to maintain our software for project management.

You don’t have to worry about the maintenance and operation of Navigo. We provide its complete operation, updates, data backup and service. At the same time, we provide reliable customer support that really helps effectively. We are as accommodating to the customer as possible, we always try to limit the waiting time to the minimum necessary. We are constantly improving Navigo based on the needs of our customers.

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